Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Day Fifty Three, Bag Fifty Eight

Kelly Key Fob, Hearts

Here is design number three in the Kelly Key Fobs. Hearts. I started with only two to ,make sure the pattern had no major glitches, and I would say they came out great!

Here are bags number 58 and 59! Bag 58 is the hearts with hearts bag, here is a closeup of the inside lining, done in lime green with my new labels attached!

Bag 59 with it's bright blue lining and new label exposed!, I am super in love with my new labels, teal with copper glitter Fleur De Lis on them. I am throwing my logo on everything in my housed that will stand still right now!

The zippers came to me through a friend about 7 years ago, she had a huge box full of hundreds of small zippers. I have been holding on to them hoping to have a project for them and these are a perfect use for the zippers, they are metal teeth which is sometimes harder to work with because they cannot be re sized easily, though brass teeth zippers are super durable!

Thanks for checking out day 53, see you tomorrow, 4th of July with something patriotic!

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